Your charging station. Tailored to you.
Single stations or complex project, with or without load management, independent or external billing and online monitoring, including installation by a trained installer.

Single stations or complex project, with or without load management, independent or external billing and online monitoring, including installation by a trained installer.
Berücksichtigung von Nieder-, Hoch- und Mittagstarifen, ergänzt durch Zeittarif, Starttarif und mehr.
Neben Schweizer Favoriten wie Twint und Reka, unterstützt die Plattform auch Zahlungen per Kreditkarte, Google Pay und Apple Pay.
Quartalsweise Auszahlungen können entweder pro Kunde oder pro Liegenschaft erfolgen.
Transparente Preise für Fahrer und Kunden
Keine Bindung an einen Hersteller
Access, monitoring and billing of the charging station is a cinch:
The user pays for consumption directly via the app. The money is automatically transferred to the owner of the installation. The integrated load management also ensures that the available energy is used optimally.
The low basic costs for operating the system make the attractive price-performance ratio possible.
Cloud access for our customers
Sending of the charging data directly into the customer system
It’s easy with our project configurator: you receive the most important data on the charging stations, cloud and the first indicative price immediately by email.